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Artist Name

Web Address

 - # -
12 Step Program www.music12step.com/
16 Stitches www.16stitches.com
16 Years of Grace www.16yearsofgrace.com/
2nd Class Citizen www.2ndclasscitizen.com/
23skeedoo www.23skeedoo.com
27 www.27.vg/
31 North www.31north.com/
48 Rooms www.48rooms.com
6 Degrees www.6degreescentral.com/
 - A -
A .45 to Pay the Rent www.a45topaytherent.com
A Band Called Spike www.abandcalledspike.com 
A Global Threat www.aglobalthreat.net/
A Telemetry www.atelemetry.com
A Wish for Fire www.awishforfire.com
Absolve www.absolvemusic.com/
Abunai! www.abunai.com
The Acro-brats www.theacrobrats.com/
[acronym] www.acronymmusic.com/
Adam Ezra Group www.adamezra.com/
After the Fall www.afterthefallrock.com/
Again Without Feeling www.againwithoutfeeling
All Parallels www.allparallels.com
All the Queens Men www.atqm.com
Aloud www.allthingsaloud.com
Alpha Tide www.alphatidemusic.com/
AM Stereo www.users.erols.com/amstereo/
Amber Spyglass www.amberspyglass.net
Amun Ra www.amunramusic.com
amusia www.amusia.com
Angry Hill www.angryhill.com
Anüshka Pop www.anushkapop.com/
The Arrangement www.the-arrangement.org/
Apollo Sunshine www.apollosunshine.com/
Averi www.averimusic.com/
Awakening Stick www.awakeningstick.com
 - B -
B.F. Raid www.bfraid.homestead.com
Babaloo www.punkmambo.com/
Baby Boy H www.babyboyh.com
Baby Ray www.babyray.com/
Baby Strange www.babystrange.com
Backwoods www.backwoodsmusic.com/
Bane Of Existance www.baneofexistence.com
The Beatings www.thebeatings.com
Beatlejuice www.muzzdrums.com/beatlejuice.html
BenderX www.benderband.com/
Best Friend Josh www.geocities.com/best_friend_josh
Big D and the Kids Table www.bigdandthekidstable.com/
Bim Skala Bim www.bimska.com
Bionic www.bandbionic.com/
BIOPOP www.biopop.info/
Bird Gets The Smile www.reasony.com
Bitter Little Dutch Boy www.bitterlittledutchboy.com
Black Helicopter www.black-helicopter.com/
Blank Tradition www.go.to/blanktradition
Bleu www.bleutopia.com/
Blind by Noon www.blindbynoon.com/
The Blizzard of 78 www.theblizzardof78.net
Blue Bloods www.thebluebloods.net/
Blue Moon Harem www.bluemoonharem.com
Bonescrew www.bonescrew.net/
bostonblacklisted www.bostonblacklisted.biz
Boston Horns www.bostonhorns.com/
Bourbon Princess www.bourbonprincess.com
Bow Ever Down www.boweverdown.com
Bowman www.bowmanband.com/
Boys Suck www.boyssuck.com/
The Break Mission www.thebreakmission.com
The Bright Side www.the-brightside.com/
Brilliant Misstake www.brilliantmisstake.com
Brilliant Zero www.BrilliantZero.com
Broken Clown www.brokenclown.com
brokenMadison www.brokenmadison.com
Brother Chameleon www.brotherchameleon.com
The Buckners www.thebuckners.com
Buffalo Tom www.buffalotom.com/
Bully Pulpit www.bullyband.com
 - C -
C-60 www.c60music.com/
Cade www.cadeboston.com/
Cadillac Hitmen www.cadillachitmen.com
Caged Heat www.chillykurtz.com
Calendar Girl www.calendargirlrock.com
Cancer to the Stars www.cancertothestars.com
Cannibelle www.cannibelle.com/
Capital City www.capitalcitymusic.com
Cardinal Direction www.cardinaldirection.com/
Care Factor Zero www.carefactorzero.com
Cat Puckett www.catpuckett.com/
Catapult www.catapulttheband.com
Catunes www.catunes.com/
The Cautions www.esbproductions.com/cautions
Changing Skin www.changingskin.com
Chapter In Verse www.chapterinverse.com/
The Charms www.thecharms.net/
Chauncey www.changerecords.com/chauncey/
Chaz & The Motorbikes www.charliechesterman.com/
Cheater Pint www.cheaterpint.com
Cherry S/T www.cherrystmusic.com/
Chin Ho! www.chinho.com
Chris Canty Band www.chriscanty.com/
The Chubs www.thechubs.com
Clarias www.clariasmusic.com
The Click Five www.theclickfive.com
Clutch Grabwell www.grabwell.com/
Codetta www.codettaband.com/
Cold Duck Complex www.coldduckcomplex.com/
Colonel Mustard www.colonelmustard.org
The Complaints www.thecomplaints.com
Condition Blue www.conditionblue.net
CoNFRoNT www.community.webtv.net/Confront
Consonant www.fenwayrecordings.com/ccc/
The Control Group www.bigfoot.com/~thecontrolgroup
Corkskrew www.corkskrew.com/
Count Zero www.count-zero.com/
Crash Alchemist www.crashalchemist.com/
Crash And Burn www.crashandburn1.com/
Crisis Bureau www.crisisbureau.net
Crumble www.crumbleband.com/
The Crush www.thecrushonline.com
Cul de Sac www.culdesac.org
The Cyanide Valentine www.cyanidevalentine.com/
 - D -
Dada www.dadatheband.com/
Daisycutter www.daisycutter.com
Dead Girl's Shoes www.deadgirlsshoes.netfirms.com/
Debris www.debrisband.com/
Default Outfit www.defaultoutfit.com
Deprogrammer www.deprogrammer.net
Derelict Brew www.derelictbrew.com
Destruct-a-thon www.destruct-a-thon.com/
The Deterrents www.thedeterrents.com/
Devil Gods www.devilgods.com/
Diecast www.diecast.thegeek.net/
Din dinpage.home.comcast.net
Dirty lil Trollops www.dirtyliltrollops.com
Disarm www.disarmmusic.com
Distant Relatives www.distant-relatives.com
The Divots www.thedivots.com
Dogtag www.dogtagonline.com
The Douglas Fir www.thedouglasfir.com/
The Downbeat 5 www.downbeat5.com
The Drags www.thedragsrock.com
Draw The Line www.drawtheline.net/
Drawing Flies www.drawingflies.com
The Dresden Dolls www.dresdendolls.com/
Drinkfist www.drinkfist.com/
Drop www.dropstuff.net/
Dropkick Murphys www.dropkickmurphys.com/ 
The Douglas Fir www.thedouglasfir.com
Drunk In July www.drunkinjuly.com/
Drunk Stuntman www.drunkstuntmen.com/
Dryft www.dryft.com
The Dubnicks www.thedubnicks.com/
Dwight Ritcher Band www.dwightritcherband.com
 - E -
E Conspectu www.econspectu.com
EdenRow www.edenrow.com
EgoSystem www.egosystemrocks.com/
El Gringo www.elgringomusic.com/
The Electrolux Combo www.electroluxcombo.com
Elsewhere www.elsewhere-band.com
Emptyhead www.emptyheadmusic.com/
Entrain www.entrain.com/
Era for a Moment www.eraforamoment.com/
Espresso Jazz www.espressojazz.net/
Euphonic www.euphonic.com/
EVERYdayGREEN www.everydaygreen.com/
The Exchange Students www.theexchangestudents.com
Eyes Like Knives www.eyeslikeknives.com
 - F -
Family Jewels www.jewelsrock.com
Fast Times www.fasttimes.biz/
Favorite Atomic Hero www.favoriteatomichero.com/
Fear Nuttin Band www.fearnuttinband.com/
The Figgs www.thefiggs.com/
The Fighting Idols www.massconcerts.com/featuredartists/thefightingidols.htm
Fireking www.firekings.com
Fitless www.fitless.com
Five Dollar Milkshake www.fivedollarmilkshake.com
Flexie www.geocities.com/~thebunnys/
Fluttr Effect www.fluttreffect.com
The Fly Seville www.theflyseville.com/
Flying Lessons www.flyinglessonsmusic.com
Flynn www.flynnmusic.com
Folkcore www.folkcore.net
Fooled by April www.fooledbyapril.com/
Fragile Alex www.fragilealex.com
Franc Graham Band www.francgraham.com/
Francine www.qdivision.com/francine
Freezepop www.freezepop.net
Frigate www.scurvyann.com/frigate/
Furvis www.furvis.com
FUSA MOB www.expage.com/page/fusamob
Fuser www.fusermusic.com
 - G -
Gage www.gage.cc
Gargantua Soul www.gargantuasoul.com/
Gatsby www.gatsbymusic.com
Gein and the Graverobbers www.geinandthegraverobbers.com
The Gentlemen www.thegentlemenrock.com/
Gimantis www.gimantis.com
Girl On Top www.girlontop.com
Glamorous Stuntcocks www.glamourousstuntcocks.com/
The Good North www.thegoodnorth.com
Brian Gottesman www.briangottesman.com/
The Gravel Pit www.qdivision.com/gravelpit/index.html
The Gravy www.qdivision.com/gravy 
Grayspot www.grayspotmusic.com
Great American www.greatamericanmusic.net
Great Day For Up www.greatdayforup.com
Grey Street www.greystreetband.com/
Groove Authority www.grooveauthority.org/
Grubstake www.grubbies.net
Guster www.guster.com/
Gutta www.guttamusic.com
 - H -
Haloburn www.haloburn.com/
The Halogens www.thehalogens.com/
Hank Crane www.hankcrane.com
Harriet Street www.harrietstreetband.com
Harris www.harriscore.com
Hartford's Grey www.hartfordsgrey.com
Heavy Stud www.heavystud.com
Helicopter Helicopter www.helicopterhelicopter.com
Henry www.henry-site.com 
Ho-Ag www.ho-ag.com/
Hummer www.hummertheband.com
Hurl Soul Bridge www.hurlsoulbridge.com
Hybrasil www.hybrasil.com/
 - I -
Ichabod www.ichabodrocks.com
Important Corpse www.ImportantCorpse.com
In The Red www.intheredband.com
In Vision www.invisionband.com
Incus www.Incus.net
Indu www.indu3.com
The Information www.theinformation.net
 - J -
Jabe www.jabe.net
Jedediah Parish & The Mother Tongues www.jedparish.com
Jetlagger www.jetlaggerhead.com
Jim's Big Ego www.bigego.com
The Johhny Come Latelies www.JCLBand.com
Johnny Most www.johnnymost.net
Joint Custody www.jcustody.com
Jones One www.jonesone.com
The Jumblies www.thejumblies.com/
Jumprope www.members.aol.com/jumpropers
Juniper's Daughter www.junipersdaughter.com
The Jupiter Project www.thejupiterproject.com
 - K -
KariNations www.karinations.com
KarMel www.karmelmusic.com
Katahdin's Edge www.katahdinsedge.com/
Kenne Highland and his Vatican Sex Kittens www.stantonpark.com/vsk
The Kickbacks www.thekickbacks.com
Kings of Feedback www.kingsoffeedback.com
Kings of Nuthin' www.alive-totalenergy.com/KingsOfNuthin.html
Kinnar www.kinnar.biz
Kite Factory www.kitefactory.8k.com/
The Kitty Kill www.thekittykill.com
Klone www.torkvar.com/klone/
Kodachrome www.kodachrome.us
The Krank Squad www.kranksquad.com
 - L -
Labb www.labbrocks.com
Lake Boone www.lakeboone.com/ 
Lamont www.lamontband.com/
laughinglight www.laughinglight.com
Lick and a Promise www.Myspace.com/lickandapromise
Lilac Ambush www.lilacambush.com
linus www.ceciltroy.com/linus/
Lipfloater www.lipfloater.com
The Little Sister Band www.littlesisterband.com/
Livesexact www.livesexact.net
Living Syndication www.livingsyndication.com
Lorntell www.lorntell.com
Lost City Angels www.lostcityangels.com
The Lot Six www.thelotsix.com
The Lothars www.wobblymusic.com/lothars/
Loudly Fernando & Dom www.banghere.com/lfd
Lovewhip www.lovewhip.net/
Low-Beam www.low-beam.com/
Lucky 57 www.lucky57.com
Lucubro www.lucubro.com
Luke the Band www.luketheband.com
Lunar Girl www.lunargirl.org
Lustra www.lustramusic.com/
 - M -
Machinery Hall www.machineryhall.com/
Magnus www.magnusboston.com
Mamadou www.mamadou.com/
Mappari www.mappari.com
Marianne Solivan Jazz Quartet www.berklee.edu/profiles/solivan.html
Marie's Children www.marieschildren.com
Todd Martin www.toddmartinmusic.com/
The Marvels www.themarvels.net
The Mary Reillys www.hi-firecords.com/mary.htm
Meat Depressed www.meatdepressed.com/
The Medea Connection www.medeaconnection.com/
Medium www.mediumband.com
Mekanizm www.mekanizm.net
The Memory Effect www.memoryeffect.com
Michigan Blacksnake www.miblacksnake.com/
Midget Jesus www.midgetjesus.com
Midnight Creeps www.midnightcreeps.com
Mike MacAllister Group www.michaelmacallister.com
Milligram www.mit.edu/~jjjenkin/mg/index.html
Mindflow www.mindflowmusic.com/learn.html
Ms. Pigeon www.mspigeon.com
Missing Joe www.missingjoe.com
Mr. Airplane Man www.airplaneman.com/
Mr. Lif www.mrlif.com/
Mistle Thrush www.mistlethrush.com/
MO57 www.mo57.com
The Model Sons www.modelsons.com
The Modeles www.themodeles.com
The Modifiers www.themodifiers.com/
Moki www.mokisounds.com/index.html
Moonraker www.moonrakermusic.com
Moonshot www.sugartone.com/moonshot/
Mother's Favorite Child www.mothersfavoritechild.com/
Motormags www.motormagsrock.com
Muck and the Mires www.muckandthemires.com
[munk] www.waxboy.com
Musclecah www.musclecah.com
mus-ok www.mus-ok.com
My Own Worst Enemy www.eliseil.com/my_own_worst_enemy.htm
 - N -
The Naked Sams www.nakedsams.com
The Nationale Blue www.thenationaleblue.com
Nearing Zero www.nearingzeromusic.com
Neil www.neilfans.cjb.net
Neptune www.neptuneband.com
Nikulydin www.nikulydin.com/
Nimmer www.nimmeronline.com/
The Nitlings www.nitlings.com
Nôledge www.4noledge.com/
Nosis www.nosis.info
Not At All www.notatall.net
The Numbskulls www.thenumbskulls.com
 - O -
On The Drop www.onthedrop.com/
One of Us www.oneofusband.com
onlyone www.onlyone-music.com/
 - P -
Parker Hill www.parkerhillmusic.com 
PDsaintS www.PDsaintS.com
The Peasants www.thepeasants.net
Pernice Brothers www.pernicebrothers.com/
Phantom Limb www.phantomlimb.no-ip.com
The Pills www.pillsrock.com 
The Pincushions www.thepincushions.com
PirannaGroove www.pirannagroove.com/
Playin' Dead www.playingdead.net 
Playing For Audrey www.playingforaudrey.com
Polyethlyene www.polyethylenemusic.com
Pondering Judd www.ponderingjudd.com
Pornbelt www.pornbelt.com/
Porterdavis www.youlikeporterdavis.com/pages/1/index.htm
The Predicates www.thepredicates.com
Psychotic Larry www.psychoticlarry.com
The Pudding Stone www.thepuddingstone.com/
Pure Fiction www.pure-fiction.com
The Push Stars www.pushstars.com
 - Q -
Q www.THISISQ.com
Quintaine Americana www.quintaine.com
 - R -
Rabadango www.rabadango.8k.com
The Raging Teens www.rockabillyhall.com/RagingTeens.html
Rainshine www.rainshinemusic.com
Raymond www.raymondrock.com
Reckless Daughter www.recklessdaughter.com
Red Chord www.redchord.com/
The Red Telephone www.redtelephone.com/
Red Zone Cuba www.redzonecuba.net/
Reflecting Skin www.reflectingskin.net/
Resinate www.resinatecore.tripod.com
Reverse www.REVERSE3.com
Riding Elmo www.bonedryproductions.com/elmoridesagain.htm
Riding Shotgun www.ridingshotgun.com/
Roadsaw www.roadsaw.net/
Rock City Crimewave www.pigpilerecords.com/rockcitycrimewave/
Rocket Science www.rocketsciencemusic.com
Roma www.romatheband.com
Rose of Sharon www.esporecords.com/roseofsharon.html
Ruby Lashes www.rubylashes.com/
Rubyhorse www.rubyhorse.com
The Rudds www.therudds.net/
Rude Toys www.rudetoys.com/
Rueben www.ruebenmusic.com/
Ruksac www.ruksac.com
Run to the Hills www.runtothehillsusa.com/
 - S -
Saifa www.saifa-music.net
Salacious Crumb www.geocities.com/pennyless_records/salacious_crumb
Sand Machine www.sandmachine.com/
Scamper www.scamper.net
Scissorkiss www.scissorkiss.net
Searching for Silence www.searchingforsilence.com
The Secret Channel www.thesecretchannel.com
Sed www.sedband.com
SeepeopleS www.seepeoples.com
Seks Bomba www.bomba.com/
Señor Happy www.qdivision.com/senorhappy/
Shadows Fall www.shadowsfall.com/
Shake www.shakemusic.com
Sharky www.sharkyrocks.com
Shave Librarian www.shavelibrarian.com
The Shelley Winters Project www.shelleywintersproject.com/
The Shods www.artists.iuma.com/IUMA/Bands/The_Shods/ 
The Shortsleeves www.theshortsleeves.com
Shotgun Remedy www.shotgunremedy.com
Shudderbox www.shudderbox.com/
Sidewalk Driver www.sidewalkdriver.com
SkUnK www.skunkmusic.com/
SkyPaint, A PopOpera www.skypaintmusic.com
Slick Pig www.thegeekhost.com/slickpig/
The So and So's www.soandsos.com/
The Soft Explosions www.softexplosions.com
Solomon www.solomonband.com
Sometimes She Burns www.sometimessheburns.com
Southern Culture On The Skids www.scots.com
Southyrn Comfort www.southyrncomfort.com
Sparkola www.drawbridge.com/sparkola/
The Splendid Nobodies www.splendidnobodies.com/
The Spoilers www.thespoilers.net
Spookie Daly Pride www.spookiedalypride.com
The Spores2000 www.thespores2000.com/
Starla www.starlarock.com
Starla Dear www.starladear.com
Stars Underground www.starsunderground.net
Static of the Gods www.staticofthegods.com
The StereoBirds www.thestereobirds.com/
Stolen Bike Crusade www.stolenbikecrusade.com
The Stone Coyotes www.stonecoyotes.com/
The Stools www.thestools.com
The Stoves www.thestoves.com/
Stratejacket www.Stratejacket.com
The Strippers www.thestrippers.com
Sudden Ease www.suddenease.com
Sugar Daddy www.sugdaddy.com
Sumo www.angrysumo.com/
Super Genius www.supergenius.us
Superhoney www.superhoney.com/
Superlow www.superlow.net/
Sweatpant Boners www.sweatpantboners.com
The Swissbomb www.theswissbomb.com
Systematic Chaos www.systematicchaos.cjb.net
 - T -
Tamperproof www.tamperproofmusic.com
The Tarbox Ramblers www.tarboxramblers.com/
Those Who Wait www.thosewhowait.net
Three Day Threshold www.threedaythreshold.com
The Thungs www.landingpartyrecords.com
Tim Gearan Band www.timgearan.com/
The Time Beings www.thetimebeings.com/
The Tint www.thetint.net
Tiny Huge www.angelfire.com/ma/gr8trax
Tootsie www.tootsierock.com/
Topheavy www.topheavyrock.com
Torque www.torqueband.net/
Tragic Youth www.tragicyouth.com/
Transparent www.transparentband.com
Travelfordays www.travelfordays.com/
Tremont www.tremontmusic.com
Tribe of Judah www.tojonline.com
Tricycle www.tricyclerocks.com
The Troubadours www.thetroubadours.com
Tunnel of Love www.tunneloflove666.com
Twink www.twink.net
Typhoon Ferri www.typhoonferri.com
 - U -
Ultravixen www.ultravixenmusic.com/
Underbody www.underbody.net
The Unseen www.unseen.thegeek.net/
The Upper Crust www.theuppercrust.org/
 - V -
Valhalla Kittens www.valhallakittens.com/
Velvet Sylus velvetstylus.tripod.com
Vibrotica www.vibrotica.com/
Violet Nine www.violetnine.net
Voodoo Screw Machine www.voodooscrewmachine.com/
 - W -
Wack Ass Egyptians www.wackassegyptians.com
Waltham www.walthamtheband.com
The Wandas www.thewandas.com/
We're All Gonna Die www.wereallgonnadie.com/
The Westward Trail www.westwardtrail.com
Wet Nap www.wetnap.tripod.com
Whistle Jacket www.whistle-jacket.com
White www.whitemusic.tv
Wicked www.wickedband.com/
Wide Iris www.wideiris.com
Woodland Creatures www.woodlandcreatures.com
 - X -
Xerotonin www.xerotonin.com
Xygoatz www.xygoatz.com/
 - Y -
Yellow Brick Ed www.yellowbricked.com/
 - Z -

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